Category Archives: Blog

Body Fluids Analysis with Linearity Down to Zero

Body Fluids Analysis with Linearity Down to Zero

Why Test Body Fluids? Body fluid analysis is a challenging task for most labs because the samples—such as cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural fluid, pericardial, peritoneal and general serous fluid are difficult to draw– not to mention a discomforting experience for the patient. However, it’s an imperative part of diagnosis, as fluid analysis assists in the identification […]

Go to the Next Level with 5-Part Differential Hematology Analyzers


A complete blood count (CBC) is typically the first test requested by a physician to evaluate a patient’s general health. Automated hematology analyzers are frequently used in physician office laboratories, small standalone labs and clinics for CBC screenings. Laboratories with low-volume solutions typically rely on 3-part differential hematology analyzers. However, older 3-part differential technology maybe […]